JRCPTB and our colleagues at the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FICM) are delighted to publish updated guidance for those undertaking Triple CCTs in ICM and the GMC-approved physician specialties.
Approved ICM/physician specialty CCTs
- ICM, Acute Internal Medicine and General Internal Medicine
- ICM, Renal Medicine and General Internal Medicine
- ICM, Respiratory Medicine and General Internal Medicine
Frequently asked Questions
1. Can I count ICM regional training days towards to the 75 hours of GIM teaching if they are relevant, for example, an ICM day on liver disease?
Yes, where teaching is relevant to both ICM and GIM, it can count towards both specialty teaching hours.
2. Does it matter what order my Stage 3 placements are in?
No, Stage 3 can be completed in any order although GIM on calls must be completed within the final 12 months of training leading up to your CCT to maintain capability. If your final year of training is a 12 month ICM placement, contemporaneous acquisition and maintenance of GIM capabilities can be achieved by 'release' from ICM for GIM sessions on an ad hoc locally agreed basis, and via applicable practise and experience in ICM/other environments
3. I joined ICM at the end of ST5 (having completed two years of a Resp/Renal/AIM +IMS2). Do I have to do further AIM/IMS2 during my ICM Stage 2 year?
No, the requirement is to complete 2 years (and a further 3 months in AIM/Renal) of the medical specialty in Stages 1 and 2. For those who join ICM training at the end of ST5, this will already have been completed. There remains the need to obtain some GIM training in the last year as above to ensure that GIM capabilities are current. Medicine placements should be limited to the required levels after the main experience has been obtained to ensure ICM Stage 1 & 2 capabilities are also achieved. The later an Intensivist in Training (IiT) commences triple CCT training, the likelihood of the minimum described period of training will be lengthened, as there will have been less time to dual/triple count capabilities. If anyone has any queries regarding this, please contact the Faculty for advice via: contact@ficm.ac.uk
4. I have been told my training has to be extended – is the GIM curriculum time or outcome based?
All curricula are now outcome based, as per the GMC’s Excellence by Design standards & requirements. Therefore, extensions to training time should only occur if you are deemed not to have met the outcomes. This includes the necessity to ensure all capabilities are current and that there is adequacy of experiential learning.
5. Can capabilities and experience gained during my ICM placements count towards GIM?
Yes. Some experience in ICM can count towards GIM outcomes where it is relevant. Examples can include looking after patients with GIM related illnesses on ICU, end of life care and reviews on the wards and in emergency departments. https://www.ficm.ac.uk/dual-triple-ccts
6. Can ICU follow-up clinics count towards GIM clinics?
ICU follow-up clinics can count towards some of the GIM clinic requirement but not all:
https://www.ficm.ac.uk/dual-triple-ccts. To fulfil the clinic requirement for GIM there must be some experience of medical specialty or GIM clinics.
7. Can ICU on call shifts count as an unselected medical take?
The FICM & JRCPTB would support a doctor in training, who was part of the ICU outreach role covering medical wards and admissions, counting this towards the GIM requirements of HILLO 1 of the Internal Medicine CiPs. However, time also needs to be undertaken as the medical specialty registrar leading/overseeing the medical take to fully achieve this capability. This includes experience in the final year of training.
8. Can patients, seen during an ICU on call (who are presenting with acute medical problems), count towards the overall number of patients seen on the acute medical take?
Yes, patients who are a part of the acute unselected medical take (for example, patients with IECOPD or OOH cardiac arrest) can count towards the requirement to see 750 patients overall presenting with acute medical problems: https://www.ficm.ac.uk/dual-triple-ccts