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Physician trainer resources

We have designed as a resource toolkit for those who train physicians as part of a postgraduate curriculum. This includes both those who have named roles, as well as other supervising clinicians who wish to know more about supervision particularly linked to the new physicianly curricula.

Generic capabilities in practice (CiPs) and supporting evidence

The following video by Dr Mike Jones, Medical Director Training and Development, Federation of Royal Colleges of Physicians has been produced to support trainees and educational supervisors to prepare for the upcoming ARCP.

Preparing for the ARCP

The next set of videos can be used to support you to consider how you can gather evidence for the generic capabilities in practice (CiPs).

Information for educational supervisors
The following video by Dr Mike Jones, Medical Director Training and Development, Federation of Royal Colleges of Physicians has been produced to support educational supervisors to support trainees to gather evidence to support the generic CiPs.

Generic capabilities in practice (CiPs): Information for educational supervisors

Information for trainees
The following video by Dr David Marshall, Deputy Medical Director of Training, Federation of Royal Colleges of Physicians has been produced to support trainees to consider the best approaches to gathering evidence to support the generic CiPs.

Generic capabilities in practice (CiPs): Information for trainees

Discussing example in practice
The following three videos have been produced to help you consider how gathering evidence for the generic CiPs works in practice. We will here three parts of a conversation between Dr Vinay Reddy-Kolanu, consultant physician, training programme director and STC chair (Acute Medicine West Midlands) who acts as an educational supervisor, and Dr Anand Sundaralingam, Specialist Registrar Respiratory Medicine.

Part 1 - Planning the evidence gathering
In part 1 Vinay and Anand consider the different activities that can be used to evidence the generic CiPs and the importance of planning your approach to this. 

Generic capabilities in practice (CiPs) example: Planning the evidence gathering (Part 1/3)

Part 2 – The first generic CiP
In part 2 Vinay and Anand focus on the first generic CiP The ability to successfully function within NHS organisational and management systems. 

Generic capabilities in practice (CiPs) example: The first generic CiP (Part 2/3)

Part 3 - Key messages
In this final video Vinay and Anand share their key messages. 

Generic capabilities in practice (CiPs) example: Key messages (Part 3/3)

Recording: Internal Medicine and group 1 specialties curricula launch

The below recording will bring you up to speed with what's new, capabilities in practice and how they are assessed, what is required of trainees and supervisors, transition requirements and changes to the ePortfolio.

IM Launch event - 1 August 2022

Recording: Sue Pound and Rebecca Winter

The below recording is a review of the key differences and similarities in the new curriculum 

Internal Medicine launch - August 1, 2022 - Sue Pound and Rebecca Winter

Webinar: New curricula for group 1 specialties and internal medicine

A captioned version of the recording is available on RCP Player(link is external).

Physician trainer series

This series of bitesize videos have been produced to support those who are supervising trainees on the new curricula. Whilst these videos are not designed to replace standardised training for those who hold named roles as defined by the GMC’s Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training(link is external) document, they are intended to support the ongoing development of physician trainers' knowledge.


GMC Generic Professional Capabilities framework

Capabilities in practice

The programme of assessment

Holistic decision making

Making holistic decisions when evidence is less clear

General information

This section contains a number of resources designed to further support the practice of physician trainers:

Internal Medicine

This section contains specific resources for internal medicine training:

Internal Medicine elearning programme

A new elearning programme has been developed for internal medicine training (IMT) trainees and trainers by Health Education England (HEE), elearning for healthcare (HEE elfh), the Severn Deanery and the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board. The programme includes new sessions on delivering outpatient care and outpatient training, applicable to many training programmes, but primarily aimed at internal medicine trainers and trainees.

Educational supervisor report

Please see below for an example of an education supervisor report for a trainee in their second year of internal medicine (IMY2). Please also see the elearning resource highlighted above.

Example ES report for IMY2

General information

Gap analysis of standalone IMY3 trainees

These resources are designed to specifically support Educational Supervisors to conduct gap analysis of learning needs for IMY3 standalone posts:


These resources are designed to support the induction of trainees, and includes an induction checklist as well as an Internal Medicine Trainee work schedule: