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How do I withdraw from an SCE/ESE examination?

Candidates must submit the Withdrawal Request form below (or a letter or email will be accepted) to their administrative office as soon as possible, providing their name, RCP code number and date of birth.

Candidates who withdraw before the advertised closing date will be given a 90% refund of the exam fee, with 10% of the fee deducted as an administration charge.

Candidates who withdraw after the closing date will only be entitled to a 90% refund in exceptional circumstances providing documentary evidence can be supplied to support their request; any outstanding fees must be resolved in order to sit future MRCP(UK) examinations.

For further information please refer to section 3.10 of the MRCP(UK) Regulations/section 2.17 of the SCE Regulations for full details on our withdrawal process.

Why have the examinations been merged?

The examinations have been merged in an aim to harmonise and improve the standards of practice and patient care across Europe. Harmonising the SCE in Gastroenterology and the EBGHE is a practical way of working towards that aim.

What will the examination fees be?

The examinations fees are as follows:

Candidates sitting the examination in the UK: £700

Candidates sitting the examination in ESBGH full member, associate member and observer (see table) countries* €800

Candidates sitting the examination in all other countries and territories: £875

A list of full member, associate member and observer countries can be found on the UEMS website. If you have any further questions on this matter please contact your local delegate.

Where will I be able to sit the examination?

The examination will be available to sit at Pearson VUE centres in over 160 countries.

Where will I apply for the examination?

Applications for the examination will be received through the MRCP(UK) website.

When will the application period for the examination open?

The application period for the examination will open on 19 December 2018.

Will I need to change how I prepare for the examination?

There are no changes to the content of the examination, its place in training, or the process by which the examination is developed and delivered.  

Has the number of questions per paper changed?

No. The examination still consists of 200 “best of five” questions, in two papers of 100 questions each, taken on the same day.  It is delivered by computer based testing. 

What type of questions will the new examination include?

The style of questions in the examination will not change from the SCE in Gastroenterology and the European Board of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Examination (EBGHE).

Will there be a change in the status of the examination?

The European Specialty Examination in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ESEGH) replaces the Specialty Certificate Examination (SCE) in Gastroenterology and will continue to test competency of UK trainees against The Specialty Training Curriculum for Gastroenterology and Sub-specialty Training Curriculum for Hepatology is published by the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB).

With the entry of UK trainees, the ESBGH Examination has been renamed as The European Specialty Examination in Gastroenterology and Hepatology (ESEGH) and is a fully validated assessment of knowledge of gastroenterology and hepatology as laid down in the European Curriculum for Gastroenterology and Hepatology Specialty Training programmes known as the "The Blue Book". The Blue Book produced by the ESBGH is in its 2017 edition and is revised every 3 to 5 years. It is available at

There is no change in the status of the Examination.

Will the examination be offered in any other languages?

The examination is offered in English only. Candidates are advised that in order to be sufficiently prepared to sit the ESEGH, their English language ability should be equivalent to IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Level 7 in each module. However, candidates do not need to have taken IELTS or any other language examination, to sit the ESEGH.