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Visas and concessionary fees

The MRCP(UK) Central Office acknowledges that some candidates may face difficulties in obtaining visas in sufficient time to attend MRCP(UK) or SCE examinations in the UK and other countries around the world.

If you are applying to sit an MRCP(UK) or SCE examination, and are applying from a country where you will require a visa, we can provide a letter to show the immigration authorities you are applying for an examination. Candidates should request this when they first apply to ensure that it can be produced in time.

Please note that it is ultimately the candidate's responsibility to ensure that they meet the requirements concerning entry to any particular country for attendance at MRCP(UK) or SCE examinations. The Royal Colleges of Physicians have no control and cannot accept any responsibility for this matter. Therefore please prepare well in advance if you require a visa for another country and consider the following:

  • how long the visa application process will take
  • documents required
  • visa fee (if applicable)
  • withdrawal deadline for examination.

In addition, consider carefully whether there is a possibility the visa application will be rejected or not processed in time. Examination fees are not refunded if notification of withdrawal is received after the application closing date, unless there are exceptional circumstances, as noted in the MRCP(UK) Regulations.

UK visa applications

The UK Border Agency provides information about visas to work in or enter the UK on their website:

Please also bear in mind that the MRCP(UK) Central Office is asked by immigration authorities to verify details of examination attendance and status of applications. It is therefore not advisable to make any false statement to these authorities as this is likely to result in any visa application being rejected.