ePortfolio FAQs
Getting started
The ePortfolio has been designed and built with full consideration for security from the outset. Extensive testing and usage have not revealed any security issues. Specialist security consultants are employed regularly to audit the system (e.g. by attempting to break the security measures). Please refer to the JRCPTB ePortfolio Data Governance Policy for further information.
Users can click 'Request Forgotten Password' on the login page and details will be sent to their e-mail address as long as this has been recorded in their ePortfolio profile.
Alternatively, administrators can find a Trainee in the Administer Users section of ePortfolio and their Username is displayed here. Administrators can also request that a password be reset.
New users will either be added centrally by deaneries or locally, e.g. by postgraduate centres, and an automatic e-mail will be sent to them with their username and password.
You are solely responsible for ensuring that you keep your ePortfolio up to date. For administration of your account you must contact your local administrator for post/supervisor amendments.
We have been working with NHS Education Scotland (NES) for several years to develop the ePortfolio platform for physician trainees. Until late 2009, NES had undertaken this work without charge but now needs to recoup running costs through an annual per capita charge for each trainee using the ePortfolio.
We are not able to absorb these running costs and therefore this charge has had to be incorporated into the overall enrolment fee for all trainees. It is a requirement that trainees enrol with the JRCPTB, as stated in the "Gold Guide".
Trainees who started training on 1st August 2007 may transfer to the ePortfolio; however it is not mandatory for them to switch over if they wish to continue with paper-based assessment. It is imperative that this decision, to continue using paper assessments, is agreed with your local deanery/HEE local office and educational supervisor or programme director.
SpRs are not required to use the ePortfolio, however, if they wish to use it they can but, are reminded that the ePortfolio has been designed for StRs and therefore, includes the curricula relevant to them and the Workplace-Based Assessments. If they want to switch to the newer curriculum then this must be agreed beforehand by the deanery/HEE local office and Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC) for their specialty.
All trainees who started training on 1 August 2010 have been mandated to use the ePortfolio.
Non-Consultant Career Grade (NCCG), Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) doctors, doctors in service grades and trust appointed International Medical Graduates (IMG) are also able to use the JRCPTB ePortfolio.
In August 2017 HEE moved its foundation e-portfolio to Horus ePortfolio and Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to the new version of the NES e-portfolio platform – Turas. Therefore the e-portfolio used during the UK Foundation Programme for England is no longer the same as the JRCPTB e-portfolio.
Supervisors, tutors and programme directors who have been linked with you, administrators in your trust and deanery, ARCP review panels and JRCPTB staff
Reflections which you have not shared cannot be seen by anyone other than you.
Yes there are user guides for trainees, trainers and administrators. Please read and download the step by step guides on the number of functions available on the ePortfolio on the ePortfolio user guides page.
Trainees who have been appointed to an ACCS (Internal Medicine) programme will have access to the JRCPTB ePortfolio once they have enrolled. Trainees will be assigned the ACCS curiculum for the first two years of the programme but should then use the Internal Medicine stage 1 curriculum to record evidence in the next two years of the programme. Please refer to the guidance published on the ACCS specialty page.
For ACCS trainees on an Emergency Medicine or Anaesthetics pathway you will need to contact the relevant College to get ePortfolio access.
Yes there are user guides for trainees, trainers and administrators. Please read and download the step by step guides on the number of functions available on the ePortfolio on the ePortfolio user guides page.
Updating and using ePortfolio
A tool is provided to assist IMT and ACCS-IM trainees in recording their clinical activity. This Excel spread sheet can be used to record procedures and attendance at clinics and to calculate number of patients seen on the acute take. This will help in completing the summary of clinical activity and teaching attendance on the ePortfolio. The spread sheet can be uploaded to the personal library in the ePortfolio.
Assessments should be carried out whilst in post and recorded promptly. It is possible to record an assessment against a previous post, which may be useful around the time of changeover of posts. Please note that the system will not allow entry of forms on previous posts after 60 days.
Only a supervisor can see individual multi-source feedback (MSF) assessment forms. They can also see a summary table. A minimum of 4 MSF must be completed before the supervisor can release the summary. Once this has be released this will be visible to the trainee.
Ultimately, it is the trainee's responsibility but a supervisor us able to request assessments if they feel it is appropriate following a review of a trainee's development.
If your file is shared, then your supervisor and anyone else who has access rights to you portfolio will be able to see it. It you select it as unshared or private, only you can see it.
Notify your local administrator who should be able to deal with this. See the deanery contact list to find out the contact details for your local administrator.
Once an assessment has been saved it cannot be edited.
The supervisor, assessor and trainee all have the ability to record assessments; however, you may wish to seek advice locally on the preferred method for recording an assessment. Ideally it is a trainee-led ePortfolio so the onus on completing the records lies with the trainee.
For mini-CEX, ACAT and CBDs assessors can be any doctor with appropriate experience beyond CMT/IMT level (SpR/ ST3 grade and above). For DOPS assessors can be anyone with expertise in the procedure, including experienced nurses and allied health professionals as appropriate. Trainees should not be assessed by colleagues of the same grade (other than during multi-source feedback).
Evidence can include supervised learning events (SLEs) and other workplace based assessments, reflective logs, certifcates and examiations as evidence of learning and exploration of the curriculum.
Depending on the specialty programme you have been appointed to, you will automatically be given access to the CMT/IMT curriculum or the specialty specific curriculum including sub-specialty curriculum once your post and programme has been added on the ePortfolio. You will need to contact your local administrator to correct or add the curriculum.
You can update your post details directly through your ePortfolio. See our user guide and video for full instructions.
On each curriculum there is a link icon at the end of each row. This tool enables you to link to evidence to support your self-rating. Evidence might include assessments, reflections or certificates. This link is reciprocal so you might find it easier to link an assessment or reflection to relevant competencies at the time you record it. See the trainee user guides for more details.
The messaging system is used to communicate with users regarding support queries. The ePortfolio messaging system is also an optional tool for sending messages to other users of the ePortfolio, e.g. trainees, assessors and administrators.
The trainee must take personal responsibility for the main parts of the ePortfolio and should complete most of the data entry, eg:
- Declarations and agreements
- Self assessment
- Personal development plan
- Initial appraisal meeting forms with advice at the meeting from the educational supervisor
- Mid-point appraisal
- All elements of personal reflective practice
It is the trainees' responsibility to arrange for their workplace assessments and to ensure that the assessments are completed. The supervisor should maintain the record of curriculum competencies throughout an attachment and write the end of attachment appraisal and supervisor's report. Remember that supervisors do not have to conduct the majority of assessments for their trainees.
The personal library is a place for you to store electronic documents which you may wish to link to as evidence in your ePortfolio. You can upload any file type but you are limited to 80 MB of space in total. You can also organise files into folders and subfolders.
Trainees are encouraged to record reflections on teaching events they have attended as part of their reflective practice (Reflection on a Learning Event). They can say what course they have been on and their reflections on it - what they learnt, how it will change their practice etc. The ePortfolio does not have a formal attendance register.
Yes, there are user guides for trainees, trainers and administrators. Please read and download the step by step guide on the number of functionalities available on the ePortfolio on the ePortfolio user guides page.
Technical questions
Personal library space capacity is unlimited.
The Download Portfolio functionality is located in the "Profile -> Download Portfolio" section.
To retrieve a PDF for offline use, please complete the following steps:
1. Choose 'Select items from my ePortfolio to make into a PDF...'
2. Select the desired Year or Post to select items from
Note: Assessments are generally stored at the post level while Reflective Logs are stored at the Training Period level.
3. After selecting a particular year or post, the Available Items box will fill with all submitted forms associated with the year or post.
4. Using the '>>' button, select which items to include in the download.
5. When you are finished selecting the items to include, select the 'Make PDF' button.
6. This will generate a PDF file which can be opened, printed or saved to the local computer.
All information stored within ePortfolio is held under stringent security conditions. All areas of the ePortfolio are only accessible via an authenticated log on a secure server (https). Passwords stored in the ePortfolio database are stored in an encrypted format such that it is not possible to extract passwords from the database directly. No data in ePortfolio should directly identify patients or patient records. Areas in the ePortfolio marked as "Private" will not be accessible to any other users other than the owner, or by system management acting under the wishes of the owner to correct a software or data issue.
No. You can download text versions but you can only work on the ePortfolio data online.
Recording and editing assessments
Only a supervisor can see individual multi-source feedback (MSF) assessment forms. They can also see a summary table. A minimum of 4 MSF must be completed before the supervisor can release the summary. Once this has be released this will be visible to the trainee.
Ultimately, it is the trainee's responsibility but a supervisor us able to request assessments if they feel it is appropriate following a review of a trainee's development.
On each curriculum there is a link icon at the end of each row. This tool enables you to link to evidence to support your self-rating. Evidence might include assessments, reflections or certificates. This link is reciprocal so you might find it easier to link an assessment or reflection to relevant competencies at the time you record it. See the trainee user guides for more details.
For mini-CEX, ACAT and CBDs assessors can be any doctor with appropriate experience beyond CMT/IMT level (SpR/ ST3 grade and above). For DOPS assessors can be anyone with expertise in the procedure, including experienced nurses and allied health professionals as appropriate. Trainees should not be assessed by colleagues of the same grade (other than during multi-source feedback).
Evidence can include supervised learning events (SLEs) and other workplace based assessments, reflective logs, certifcates and examiations as evidence of learning and exploration of the curriculum.