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About the specialty

The specialty of Neurology is changing rapidly. Traditionally neurology had been thought of as an intellectual pursuit, concerned with diagnosis of rare conditions of the nervous system. The advent of accessible imaging, and the emergence of potential therapies, has led to neurologists concerned with the treatment and on-going care of disorders which are in fact very common such as stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.

Presently specialty training in neurology consists of five years, one of which may be relevant research. Usually the training is based around regional neurosciences centres with rotation to other units. Exposure to DGH type neurology is mandatory. Aspects of training, education and assessment are jointly developed with the Training Educational Subcommittee of the Association of British Neurologists.

Many neurologists have sessions at regional neurosciences centres, where they have access to inpatient beds, specialist investigational services (neuroimaging, neurophysiology, pathology) and onward referral to neurosurgical services. Some will develop regional subspecialty services in stroke, epilepsy, neuromuscular disease, dementia, genetics and movement disorders.

Entry into neurology training is possible following successful completion of both a foundation programme and a core training programme. There are two core training programmes for neurology training:

  • Internal Medicine Training (IMT)
  • Acute Care Common Stem - Internal Medicine (ACCS-IM)

Latest news and developments

New curriculum for dual training in Neurology and Internal Medicine

A new curriculum for dual training in Neurology and Internal Medicine will be implemented in August 2022. The curriculum will also deliver subspecialty training in Stroke Medicine. Trainees who entered Neurology in August 2021 will need to transfer to the new curriculum in August 2022 unless it is not safe or practical. Trainees who started training prior to August 2021 can remain on the current curriculum and will not be required to transfer, but will be encouraged to transfer if possible. Please see our transition page for further information.


The curriculum for each specialty defines the process of training and the competencies needed for the award of a certificate of completion of training (CCT). The curriculum includes the assessment system for measuring trainees’ progress, comprising workplace based assessment and knowledge based assessment.

Information on the Specialty Certificate Examination (SCE) in Neurology can be found on the MRCP(UK) website.

A new curriculum for Neurology has been implemented in 2022.

Neurology 2022 Curriculum

The previous version of the curriculum can be found below. Earlier versions of the curriculum are no longer available online but copies can be requested from




ARCP Decision Aids

The ARCP decision aid for each specialty defines the targets that have to be achieved for a satisfactory ARCP outcome at the end of each training year. The ARCP decision aid for the new 2022 curriculum is given below.

Neurology 2022 ARCP Decision Aid

The decision aid below should be ised for trainees remaining on the previous curriculum 



Forms and guidance

Neurology 2022 Rough guide

Guidance on transition and gap analysis

It is recommended that a gap analysis is carried out for doctors in training who will transfer to the new curricula and dual train with internal medicine from August 2022. Please see the guidance and form below. 

New group 1 specialties gap analysis guidance - updated February 2022

New group 1 specialties gap analysis form