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Quality assurance

Regulation of Postgraduate Medical Education

The GMC is responsible for setting and assuring standards for specialty training, including core training leading to the award of a Certificate of Completion of Training.

Excellence by Design: Standards for Postgraduate Curricula published on the GMC website sets out their standards for training and outline how they work together with Postgraduate Deaneries/LETBs (and where appropriate HEE Local Offices), Local Education Providers, Medical Royal Colleges and Specialist Societies to quality assure training.

The GMC uses the following methods to ensure standards are being met:

  • Curricula & assessment approval
  • Post & Programme approval
  • Deanery/LETB visits
  • Response to Concerns process

The role of JRCPTB

We monitor and seek to drive improvement in the standard of core medical training and of training for all medical specialties on behalf of the three Royal Colleges of Physicians in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London.

Our Specialty Advisory Committees (SACs) are actively involved in assisting and supporting Deaneries/LETBs to manage and improve the quality of education within each of their approved training locations.

Each SAC draws together experts from Deaneries/LETBs across the four nations and is comprised of leading consultants, trainees and lay representatives. They are tasked with activities central to assuring the quality of medical education such as writing the curriculum and assessment systems, reviewing applications for new post & programmes, provision of External Advisors to deaneries and recommending trainees eligible for CCT or the Portfolio pathway (formerly known as CESR).

Each SAC also contributes to an annual report we submit to the GMC highlighting any concerns relating to patient or trainee safety, concerns relating to delivery of curriculum or educational environment or examples of good practice within the medical specialties.