About the specialty
Nuclear Medicine is the specialty responsible for the administration of unsealed radioactive substances to patients for the purposes of diagnosis, therapy or research. Nuclear medicine trainees will be expected to combine their skills as a physician with that of a physiological imager to solve diagnostic problems. They will provide a unique insight into the pathophysiology of disease and where appropriate offer a radionuclide therapeutic option for treatment. Trainees will require appropriate instruction in the clinical, scientific and legal aspects of the specialty.
Specialists in Nuclear Medicine have ultimate responsibility for Nuclear Medicine services and must hold the appropriate certificate from Health Ministers to administer radioactive substances.
Entry into Nuclear Medicine dual CCT training with Clinical Radiology is possible following successful completion of both a foundation programme and one of the following core training programmes plus the associated examinations:
- Internal Medicine Training (IMT) - two years
- Acute Care Common Stem - Internal Medicine (ACCS-IM)
- Core Paediatrics - three years
- Core Surgical Training - two years
Latest news and developments
A new curriculum leading to a dual CCT in Nuclear Medicine and Clinical Radiology was approved by the GMC and implemented in August 2021.
Doctors currently in training will transfer to the new curricula for both specialties in August 2021 unless in their final year of training. Please see the curriculum and guidance sections below for further information.
The curriculum for each specialty defines the process of training and the competencies needed for the award of a certificate of completion of training (CCT). The curriculum includes the assessment system for measuring trainees’ progress comprising workplace based assessment and knowledge based assessment.
The 2021 curriculum for Nuclear Medicine can be downloaded via the following link:
Nuclear Medicine 2021 curriculum
As Nuclear Medicine is a joint training programme with Clinical Radiology, it may be helpful to review the 2021 Clinical Radiology curriculum and supporting documents which are available on the Royal College of Radiologists website here.
The 2014 curriculum is given below. Previous curricula are no longer available online but copies can be requested from curriculum@jrcptb.org.uk.
ARCP Decision Aids
The ARCP decision aid for each specialty defines the targets that have to be achieved for a satisfactory ARCP outcome at the end of each training year. The decision aids for the 2021 curriculum are given below.
2021 Nuclear Medicine ARCP Decision Aid
2021 Clinical Radiology ARCP Decision Aid
The ARCP decision aid for trainees remaining on the previous curriculum can be downloaded below.
Forms and guidance
Guidance for the 2021 curriculum
The following guidance documents are to support the 2021 Nuclear Medicine and dual training with Clinical Radiology.
Guidance for Nuclear Medicine trainees on the 2021 curriculum