If you are a UK medical trainee and would like access to the ePortfolio, this will be granted once you have completed your enrolment. For further information please see our Enrolment page. Failing to enrol will result in delayed ePortfolio access.
All access queries should be directed to your local deanery/HEE local office, postgraduate centre or trust administrators. The ePortfolio team supports these administrative staff across the UK to help with technical problems that cannot be resolved locally.
Access for medical trainees
If you have been appointed to a GMC approved programme in IMT, ACCS or a Specialty Training post you will be given access to the ePortfolio upon completion of your enrolment. It is a mandatory requirement for trainees to ensure they are fully enrolled as failure to enroll will result in access being restricted.
Your ePortfolio account will be set up by our team and you will be issued a username and password. You must activate your account by logging in.
You are expected to take full responsibility for keeping your ePortfolio up-to-date. Your data will be reviewed at ARCPs and by our team in overseeing training and making recommendations for a CCT. You should contact your local deanery/HEE local office or postgraduate centre administrator as your first point of call for any amendments to your account.
If you have any technical queries about your account, contact the helpdesk team at ePortfolioteam@jrcptb.org.uk for assistance.
Access for non-training doctors
If you are in a non-training post e.g. LAS, Clinical Fellowship, Associate Specialist, Trust Grade or Trust appointed MTI doctor you can apply for access to the ePortfolio by completing the application form below and paying an annual fee. This will only be applicable if you are doing a physician specialty. The programme start date will be set based on the date you submit your application for ePortfolio access. We do not provide ePortfolio access for Foundation level doctors.
Please note: we cannot accept credit/debit card details by email or via the application form on this website
Access for Royal College of Physician London International Medical Training Initiative doctors
International doctors taking part in the RCPL Medical Training Initiative scheme (MTI) are eligible to use the ePortfolio for up to two years. MTI doctors are requested to contact the RCPL International office at mti@rcplondon.ac.uk or visit the RCPL website.
Access for Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh International Medical Training Initiative doctors
International doctors taking part in the RCPE Medical Training Initiative (MTI) are eligible to use the ePortfolio for up to two years. MTI doctors are requested to contact the RCPE International team Shona McGlynn or visit the RCPE website.