Exam Locations
From 2025, we will introduce an online version of the ESE exam which is taken using a proctoring service. This is available for candidates within the UK, internationally and in ESENeph full member, associate member and observer countries.
Delivery is the same as the centre-based exam in terms of content and format, so you should prepare in the same way as you normally would. Further information can be found here
The ESENeph exam is available in the below locations.
- Australia
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Canada
- Caribbean
- Egypt
- Hong Kong
- India
- Kuwait
- Malaysia
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- Sri Lanka
- UK
The exam is also available in ESENeph full member, associate member and observer countries. A defined list of countries is available here
Candidates who request to transfer from the UK or ESENeph full member, associate member and observer country to an international exam location will be liable for the difference in the fees.