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Expense claims

A new travel expenses policy for clinicians, business partners, lay representatives and staff travelling on Federation business has been developed and implemented. All new bookings for travel and accommodation, plus related expenses should be made in accordance with the new policy (effective from 1 January 2025).

The policy applies to:

  • Examiners and staff attending written examinations in the UK and internationally
  • Examiners and staff attending clinical examinations (PACES) internationally
  • Examination board members and staff attending examination boards and committees
  • Examination question writers and staff attending specialty question groups and SCE question writing groups
  • JRCPTB staff and assessors undertaking accreditation, ARCP or other assessment and advisory activity in the UK or internationally
  • Lay representatives attending specialist advisory committee meetings and board/ committee meetings (including CPD, MRCP(UK) and JRCPTB MaP boards where applicable)

Claim online here

Federation travel expenses policy (effective from 1 January 2025)

The policy does not apply to:        
Examiners attending UK PACES centres run by each of the three colleges – these activities will be covered by the each college's travel expenses policy. Please contact the colleges directly with any questions about your booking.