The Federation CPD Approval Scheme identifies and approves high quality CPD for members and fellows. Most of the applications we receive are for live or streamed events but we also approve other forms of CPD including e-learning. Information relating to Federation CPD approval can be found here.
We are dependent on volunteer consultant members and fellows of the Colleges to help with reviewing applications for approval. This can be a route into other College roles. Depending on your specialty, the role might involve reviewing 2-3 applications per week. Once a reviewer is used to the system this might take about 40-60 minutes in total (some applications take longer than others). We provide a basic induction pack via email and ‘live’ induction at the first reviewer meeting. As part of the induction process we ask reviewers to attend a meeting once a year (currently via MS Teams) to update them about CPD approval and to improve consistency in the review process. There are CPD points for these meetings. We encourage consultants and SAS doctors with an interest in medical education to consider joining our team of reviewers. New reviewers initially focus on live and streamed event approval.
For more information on the responsibilities of a Federation CPD reviewer please click here.
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, please submit a short CV and brief statement outlining your experience in medical education to