The MRCP(UK) regulations have been updated to reflect the changes that have recently been introduced to facilitate delivery of the examinations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The MRCP(UK) regulations have been updated to reflect the changes that have recently been introduced to facilitate delivery of the examinations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
These amendments to the regulations outline the new requirements in relation to delivery of paper-based examinations, online examinations, and the new PACES format.
Candidates should note that they will now be required to:
- Complete and submit a health questionnaire prior to sitting and provide a contact telephone number. Further information about this will be provided ahead of sitting.
- Undergo a temperature check at the examination venue. If your temperature is equal to or above 37.8 degrees, you will not be permitted entry to the examination.
- Wear a mask for the duration of the written examination. If you are exempt from wearing a mask for medical reasons you MUST inform MRCP(UK) by noon on Friday 4 September using the reasonable adjustments application process and provide medical evidence to support this.
- Bring your own stationery if you are sitting Part 1 or Part 2 Written: an eraser, a pencil sharpener and 2B pencils.
Full information can be found in the Regulations Amendments 2020 document.
Additional information for candidates sitting the online version of Part 1 can be found here.
Please contact if you have any queries.