We will review requests to sit a printed version of the examination from candidates who consider themselves unable to sit the online version of the examination. Each request will be considered by the MRCP(UK) policy team and where appropriate arrangements will be made for a printed version of the examination to be provided; this may be in a centre allocated by MRCP(UK).
Candidates can request to sit a printed version of a written examination for the following reasons:
As part of a reasonable adjustment request. These requests will be reviewed through the normal process for reviewing and implementing reasonable adjustments, where each request is considered on its own merits. Any such requests must meet the defined criteria for reasonable adjustments under the Equality Act, i.e. that they are provided to ensure that a candidate with a disability is not disadvantaged and that the request is supported by appropriate evidence. Candidates who wish to request a printed version of the examination as a reasonable adjustment should contact: reasonableadjustments@mrcpuk.org
Their IT equipment or infrastructure does not meet the minimum criteria for sitting the examination online. Candidates in this situation should provide full details of their IT equipment to OnlineExams@mrcpuk.org so this can be reviewed.
They do not have a suitable environment in which to sit the examination. Candidates should explore whether other alternative venues, such as a workplace or university, would be available before contacting MRCP(UK). These requests should also be submitted to OnlineExams@mrcpuk.org.
Candidates who would like to request to sit a printed version of the MRCP(UK) Part 2 Written examination on 23 March 2021 for any of the above reasons should contact the relevant email address above by 11.59pm on Monday 22 February. All requests will be reviewed by MRCP(UK) and a response will be sent to the candidate within ten working days of receipt.